New York
New York
New York
New York
Public Hearing Notice
The Elbridge Town Board calls for a Public Hearing on April 10, 2025, at 7:00 PM, at the Town Municipal Building located at 5 Route 31, Jordan, New York to hear any person for or against proposed Local Law 2025-1, imposing a twelve-month moratorium on commercial solar development and battery energy storage systems within the Town of Elbridge.
The Town of Elbridge would like to introduce Chris Russo and Patricia Rimualdo as our new Assessor and Assessor Clerk. Their office hours will be Monday and Wednesday evenings from 5-8 pm and Saturday Mornings from 9-11 am. No appointments necessary just walk in. We thank you all for your patience as we searched for folks to fill that office.
Save the dates! July 14-26, 2025
1st Annual Summer Musical Theater Camp at the JE High School. Follow us on Facebook for more information to follow.
The Town of Elbridge will conduct joint board meetings with the Village of Elbridge and the Village of Jordan, in regards to the Municipal Water Project, on the third Tuesday of each month at 9:00 AM, until further notice. Documents available at the Villages or Town Offices, can be mailed, or by following the link below.
I, Danielle Karlik, having received the 2025 tax roll and warrant for the collection of taxes for the Town of Elbridge, Onondaga County, State of New York, will receive payment for same during the month of January (January 1- January 31) without fee; the month of February (February 1- February 28) add one percent (1%); the month of March (March 1- March 31) add one and one half percent (1½ %). Taxes will be collected through March 31, 2025. If a second notice is sent on March 15th, you must add an additional $1.00 to your tax payment collected (March 16 – March 31). Taxes will be collected Monday through Thursday from 8:30 AM to Noon &1:00 PM to 4:30 PM, Friday 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM at the Town Clerk’s Office 5 Route 31, Jordan, New York. The Town Clerk’s Office will be closed Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays.
Unpaid taxes after March 31, 2025 will be returned to the Onondaga County Chief Fiscal Officer, John H. Mulroy Civic Center, 15th Floor, 421 Montgomery Street, Syracuse, New York 13201 where delinquent taxes may be paid.
Onondaga County Department of Planning wants to know how it can better prepare you for disasters. All responses are confidential and will greatly help improve preparedness in the County. Join the conversation at
Follow the link for more information.
Follow the link below to gain access to Final Assessment Roll for Elbridge, NY..
Officers: Amanda Berry & Christina Barton
Office hours: 8:30 am – 4:00 pm
Office phone: (315)454-0928
After hours phone: call non-emergency 911 or municipal police – both will contact the dog control officers by cell.
You have the ability to view your Property Tax bill online. You may pay your Property Tax bill online, by credit card, or by check.