Planning Board • Zoning Board of Appeals • Environmental Commission
Planning Board Chairperson: Marc Macro Attorney: Tim Frateschi, 315-477-0100
Secretary: Holly Austin, 315-378-3396
Members: Steve Walburger, John Stevenson, Wendie Smith, Tim Sullivan
The Planning Board reviews site plans on any newly proposed land use activity in the Town and considers such plans for approval in accordance with local law. The Planning Board meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:00PM in the Town Hall.
Zoning Board of Appeals Chairperson: Timothy Gannon
Attorney: Baldwin, Sutphen & Frateschi
Tim Frateschi Phone: 315-477-0100
Secretary: Paige Boratko, 315-689-9031 Ext. 6
Tracy Resch, Joanne Spoto-Decker, John Tambroni, Eric Matthews
The Zoning Board of Appeals considers and decides appeals of decisions relating to zoning matters. Also, issues special permits as appropriate, and grants or denies variances in accordance with Town Law. The Zoning Board of Appeals meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month a 7:00PM in the Town Hall.
MAP TOElbridge Zoning - January 2021 (pdf)
DownloadEnvironmental Commission Chairperson: Stephen Schwab
Members: Chris Sandstrom, Dave Johnson, Mike Fixler, Kathryn Vellone, Tom and Tracy Resch
The Environmental Commission meets the 4th Tuesday of every month at 6:30PM in the Town Hall.