Senior Programs Senior Director: Joe Patrick
Office: 315-689-9031 Ext. 9
Cell: 315-378-8004
Town Of Elbridge Senior Programs Mission Statement:
To provide high quality, diverse, and accessible programs, services and facilities that enhance the quality of life for all ages, cultures, and abilities.
Operating Principles: In support of the mission, the Town of Elbridge Senior Programs will readily serve the community providing:
Leisure activities that enhance skills, health, and self-esteem; Activities that incorporate current leisure trends and population demographics; Ways to stimulate growth in knowledge through leisure experiences; Opportunities to build sense of community; A network of services linking the community through collaboration and partnerships, Safe havens where participants feel welcome participating in special events, senior programs, community programs, and youth programs while in cooperation with the local libraries and schools.
Operating Objectives: The Town of Elbridge Recreation and Senior Programs will continuously strive for optimal participant experiences through:
Teamwork: essential to achieve success for our staff, our programs, our families, and our community.
Objectivity: We will maintain a positive approach to all challenges we face.
Growth: Change will be embraced and used to expand our opportunities.
Imagination: We will cultivate new ideas into exciting programs and services.
Value: We will understand and appreciate the wealth of diversity in our community.
Please join the JE Senior Citizen Group the “Seasoned Eagles” for these special events:
Bingo every second Tuesday of each month.
Senior workouts every Tuesday and Friday 9:30 to 10:30 AM
Painting class 10:00 to 11:30 AM Tuesday and Fridays.
All activities are hosted by the Jordan Elbridge Senior Citizen Group at the Town of Elbridge Community Center. All events need reservations. To reserve your spot, please call 315-689-9031 ext. 9. Hope to see all you there!!
Senior Citizen Workout Classes are at the JE Community Center. Tuesday & Friday, $50 per month. This program is open to seniors age 60+ and is conducted by an instructor trained to modify age appropriate exercises to accommodate seniors of all ability levels. Strength and balance training exercises are done in a sitting or standing position. There are many benefits of strength training among seniors.
Fun and exciting art class for all levels located at the Jordan-Elbridge Community Center. No talent required, just the need for fun and fellowship. Supplies and instructions provided at no fee.
The JE Community Center serves as a Senior Nutrition Site for PEACE, Inc.'s SENIOR NUTRITION PROGRAM and offers lunches every Tuesday/Friday of every month beginning at 12:00. These luncheons are open to everyone 60+ with spouses or guests under 60 welcome. Please join us for a delicious, wholesome and affordable meal mostly made from scratch. A suggested contribution of $3.75. For reservations please call
315-689-9031 ext. 9